One God One Message

Published by:
Xulon Press, c/o of The Way of Righteousness, P.O. Box 4006, Greenville, SC 29607, USA. Available from John Ritchie, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH UK
Reviewed by:
Stephen Baker, Liverpool

The ‘Prologue’ of this book states that it ‘offers the chance of a lifetime; to take an unhurried journey through the world’s all-time best seller (The Bible) and to discover the message of the prophets who wrote it’. This brief summary of the writers aim and the very appropriate strap-line ‘Discover the Mystery Take the Journey’ appropriately explains the benefit of reading this book.

The book was written taking into account the Muslim way of thinking. The result is a book that is extremely readable by people of all cultures. In terms of readability the book is illustrated well, has good real life stories and uses excerpts from e-mails to the author very effectively. Believers will benefit most from this book but any unsaved soul who is seriously seeking the truth will also find most of their questions answered.

The indexing of the book is well done, making it easy to find a particular question or topic that interests the reader. The three main sections logically guide the reader through the book. The first section ‘Journey Preparation’ deals with many of the obstacles that people erect against the Bible. The middle section clearly presents the truth of the gospel starting with the character of God and concluding with detailed explanations as to why Christ is the ‘Saviour of the world’. The final section gives an excellent and detailed summary of salvation in its three stages i.e. deliverance from the penalty, power and presence of sin. This makes for excellent reading and deals soundly with the subject.

This book is well worth reading and would be an asset on your bookshelf both in terms of a good read and also as a reference book. I would say that it was an essential for anyone seeking to spread the gospel in our day and generation.
