Look at a Book

Ecclesiastes - A Meaningful Existance

The Book of Ecclesiastes was included by Jews in the third section of the Old Testament known as Kethuvim (English = ‘Writings’). The book is entitled ‘The Preacher’ in English, but in fact the Hebrew word ‘Qoheleth’ actually means a convener of, or a speaker at an assembly. The book ispart of the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament and reflects on the meaning of life and how it should be lived before God. The writer emphasizes throughout that the choices we as individuals make have a direct link with final outcomes. So the title ‘Qoheleth’ could merely be a nickname for a wise man who has assembled together sayings and reflections. The implication from the text,1. 1, is that this wise man may have been King Solomon, cp. Proverbs chapter 30 verse 1, which is another wisdom text where the writer is also identified in a similar way.

The book is usually divided into three main parts – a beginning (chapter 1 verses 1-11), a middle(chapters 1. 12-12. 7), and an end (chapter 12. 8-14). Within this fairly flexible structure, the writer deals with a number of interesting topics, including the problems of accumulating wealth, growing old, and life’s uncertainties. Believers tend to neglect this book, but most of us can probably quote a number of its most famous texts by heart, e.g. 1. 2, 9; 3. 1; 4. 9; 11. 1, 4; 12. 1, 6, 7.So what is this book really about? Well, in simple terms, the writer looks at life in two different ways by taking one position and then another. Initially, he looks at life from a natural perspective,where God is left completely out of the picture. Everything is viewed from an earthly standpoint or, in the writer’s words, ‘under the sun’. His assessment of this way of life is that it is a sheer waste of time. It leads to scepticism and endless pessimism. His conclusion is deliberately brief - life without God is utterly futile,12. 8. How very true that is!

But when God is at the centre of our life, then it has meaning and purpose. The first viewpoint is essentially like the modern concept of existentialism which regards human existence as unexplainable and that everything is meaningless. How up to date the Bible is!

So why is the second viewpoint so important? Well, if we have a living relationship with God then our lives become meaningful and worthwhile. Life is no longer mundane or humdrum.

The table below shows some of the key words/phrases in the book.

Key Words/Phrases
Words/Phrases Number of Occurrences Emphasis
Vanity 39 times The futility (emptiness) of life without God
Under the sun 29 times An earthly and short-lived viewpoint
God 4 times The life of the believer
Heart 40 times The heart is directly affected by different viewpoints
Wisdom 50 plus times The connection between the two differing viewpoints

A good way of understanding the structure and overall message of the book is as follows:

  1. Firstly, type out the whole book in Word format making sure that you check that your copy is accurate. Then, take a hard copy of the finished product. Use whatever translation you feel comfortable with for this personal exercise. If you are really keen to see different textual nuances, then you might think about setting several different translations side by side.
  2. Next, prayerfully read through the whole book at one sitting, asking God to reveal to you the truth of His word and,
  3. Then, read the text again highlighting the key words/phrases above using different highlighter colours.

This may seem to be a time consuming exercise, but it will give you a strategic grasp of the whole book. It will also lay the foundation for future study. The book will then really live for you!
