Editor’s Introduction – February 2023

Welcome to the new format of YPS. We have moved to this style of YPS insert as the cost of print and paper has risen significantly over the last 12 months and we are seeking to make sure that we produce our magazine as cost-effectively as possible. As always, this creates some fresh opportunities as well as some restrictions in terms of the size and structure of each article.

So, what have we got for you in this quarter and as we start a new year of publication?

Jeremy Singer, who is well known to many of you. has agreed to write a series on some of the interesting and challenging lives of believers down the centuries of church history. I will leave him in his article to give you a fuller introduction as to how he intends to handle this.

Phil Raggett continues his interesting and helpful series on things that every believer should know. This article is important as it confronts and challenges the current world view on the value of life. Every believer needs to be sure that they know what the scriptures teach on this important issue, and to make sure that this translates into biblical choices when facing tough decisions in life.

We are also starting a new series called ‘Soul Searching Scriptures’. I will be asking various believers to write an article on a verse that had a major impact on their life. This might be a verse that brought them to faith in Christ, that strengthened their faith, or gave them the assurance that they were truly saved. Or maybe a verse that changed their direction of life completely. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. I am sure that there are many interesting stories to be told as to how God speaks to people through His word. Hopefully, this will get you thinking and encourage you to listen for God’s voice as you read the scriptures.

Finally, we have a new series which hopefully will help young believers understand that the world round about them is full of evidence that God is the Creator and Sustainer of life. Phil Armstrong, as a biology teacher, is well placed to write this series for us. I for one. am looking forward to reading these articles.

Yours through grace,
Stephen Baker
